Trusted by Top Brands for Their Marketing Measurement

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Reliable, Trustworthy Diversified Marketing Measurement

Rockerbox revolutionizes the way marketing executives make decisions. By delivering reliable and trustworthy multi-channel data, our platform empowers you to understand and navigate the complexities of high-scale advertising.

We transform your data warehouse into a powerhouse of insights, enabling smarter, data-driven strategies for businesses investing significantly in marketing. Our commitment is to turn complex marketing data into your strategic advantage.


Product Lines

Helping You Solve Your Daily Challenges

    rockerbox product lines
  • Data Foundation


    Gain a unified view of marketing data

    Your marketing strategy is complex and far-reaching, and getting all of the data from your channels and channel campaigns in one place is far from an easy task, let alone ensuring that data is accurate. Rockerbox helps you eliminate siloed data from ad platforms and allows you to finally see a unified view of the impact of your marketing on buyers.
  • Track

    Balance privacy standards and detailed data

    Detailed data is a necessity for creating an end-to-end view of the buyer journey. Rockerbox takes the complexity out of first-party data collection and identity resolution, giving you an unparalleled understanding of how your buyers interact with all your marketing touchpoints. 
  • Exports

    Get data into your data warehouse with ease

    As a marketer, you should be able to leverage your data as you see fit. Rockerbox gives you the best of both worlds—view data in detailed UI pages or transfer it to your data warehouse (Snowflake, Redshift, BigQuery) where you can make it available for further analysis in your BI tools.
  • Marketing Analysis

    MMM Icon

    MMM the future based on results from the past

    Marketers are rediscovering the power of Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM): a time-tested statistical method that leverages historical data to predict the future correlation of ad spend and revenue. With Rockerbox, we make this method accessible for marketers to use in creating data-backed budgets
  • Optimize

    Reduce inefficient marketing spend

    How do you know that the money spent on advertising channels is truly paying off? With the fast-paced nature of social advertising, B2C marketers need a way to track performance on a daily basis, monitor progress toward marketing campaign goals, and make adjustments. Rockerbox offers all of this in a dashboard channel managers will access daily.
  • Journey

    Fill in the gaps of the attribution puzzle

    Last- and first-click attribution models miss vital parts of the customer journey and discount the impact of all the many channels your users interacted with on their way to becoming a customer. With custom multi-touch attribution software from Rockerbox, you can see the impact of all your marketing channels so you know where to allocate your time, money, and resources for the best results.
in tracked marketing channel spend across top brands
of dollars saved in wasted ad spend in 2023
hours saved across customer marketing teams in 2023
integrations to support your complex marketing mix

Case Study

Our Customers'
Marketing Data Backbone

Bringing clarity to complex marketing strategies

“Rockerbox is a perfect fit for our complex marketing strategy. No other platform was able to accommodate the decentralized nature of our various markets and yet still provide us a cohesive and clear understanding of their impact at large and on a granular level. Working with Rockerbox gives us the full-stack approach to marketing measurement we need to continue to scale.”

-David Cohen, Chief Data Officer at Weight Watchers


Marketing Measurement
Built For the Enterprise



Rockerbox is trusted by more than 500 top B2C brands to help make better marketing decisions. Whether you're an Enterprise or aspiring Enterprise brand, we prioritize your security and needs with best-in-class data handling, SOC2 compliance, and more.
multi-method marketing measurement

Multi-Methodology Approach

No one methodology is perfect, that’s why Rockerbox uses multiple. We incorporate rule-based attribution, multi-touch attribution, halo analysis, geo lift, in-channel testing, and media mix modeling to give you the most complete and accurate view of your customer journey.
customer satisfaction


Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to helping you meet your goals through 1:1 onboarding and implementation with our award winning Customer Solutions team.


Diversified Measurement for
the Modern B2C Marketer

GA4 also offers attribution and data-driven reports—how is Rockerbox different?
Rockerbox is able to give customers a much more complete and reliable picture of their marketing due to our strong data foundation and ability to see the impact of clicks and impressions on multiple channels. GA4 lacks the ability to deliver a complete picture of all marketing touchpoints and their impact on the bottom line, and their black box approach to their methodology is in stark contrast to Rockerbox’s fully transparent data-driven model. Our platform gives marketers the peace of mind that insights are rooted in complete, accurate data that holds up to senior management scrutiny
How can I connect to an external data warehouse?
Rockerbox maintains tables of our data that are synced directly to your data warehouse (BigQuery, Redshift, or Snowflake). Once the integration is enabled, Rockerbox data is synced automatically to your data warehouse. This removed the need for manual work and time-consuming ETL processes on your end as the transfer and any data revisions are managed on the Rockerbox side. This enables your team to get easy access to Rockerbox data and ad platform data in your data warehouse to run additional analyses. 
How long does your solution take to get up and running?
Onboarding Rockerbox is a custom experience. With instant insights to spend trends and industry data, your time to value is immediate. Most brands have all channels integrated and are on a path to operationalizing within the first few weeks of signing on Rockerbox.
How are you handling constant privacy updates and loss of tracking visibility?
Rockerbox is a future-proof solution with a commitment to updating our technology to weather any industry shifts. In light of Chrome’s removal of 3rd-party cookies and additional privacy changes from Apple, we launched Custom Tracking Domains in 2019. With this implementation, trackers are served from a company’s own domain and Rockerbox is treated as a 1st-party cookie by all browsers.